In living our vision 'Learning together in God’s Love Netherhall St James Infant and Nursery School was proud to open our Additional Resourced Provision for pupils with complex communication and interaction needs in September 2023. An ARP is a provision within a mainstream school, providing specialist and targeted support for children with long term special educational needs.
Our aim is for this provision to provide a bespoke and specialist learning experience within a nurturing environment. Our staff are specialists in working with children with CCIN need with many years of experience between them. They are passionate in supporting our ARP children to thrive and achieve. must have an EHCP to access an ARP place. Access to Netherhall Infant ARP’s is via the Specialist Placements procedure as per Special Schools and children/young people
ARP Curriculum
The key principles and purpose of our curriculum:
- To equip pupils with portable skills for all areas of life and in all contexts they will encounter
- To be adaptive and responsive to individual needs, strengths and interests.
- To be skill and context based
- To focus on developing the key skills of communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care, all transferrable skills that equip pupils for life beyond the school.
Underpinning all we do are the EHCP Outcomes. We also work very closely with Speech and Language Therapists, Sensory Occupational therapist and the CCI team to ensure that each child’s learning journey is specifically tailored to their individual targets and needs.
We aim to deliver a bespoke and individual learning experience for our children based within a nurturing environment where children feel happy, safe and valued.
Children have daily activities built into their routine that allow them to practice and develop new skills both in 1:1, small group and collective situations.
We enhance and support our children’s learning experience through carefully chosen activities and provision to allow them to build independence in practicing their skills and also meeting their sensory needs through individual sensory diets. We also provide additional opportunities for our children that include taking part in wider school events, planned enrichment activities and also trips to carefully chosen places outside of school.
We measure the impact of our Curriculums continuously and using a through Quality Assurance. Our children’s progress is measured against their individual EHCP targets as well as the small steps taken from the SENDIT developmental Journal, AET framework and the EYFS and National curriculum where appropriate.