Senior Leadership Team
Our senior leadership team are dedicated to making our school a success. Here's a chance to find out a little more about them.

Mrs Zoe Lowe
Head of School
I have been working here for 9 years and love being part of the NLC team. I believe everyone should be given the chance and opportunity to get better at something and be better themselves. I have worked in many schools in my career and have a great deal of experience of working with children and young adults who sometimes find life a greater challenge than others. I love having the opportunity to help individuals see what they are really capable of and support them in achieving their dreams. I love reading and listening to music and am a passionate Manchester City Fan!

Miss Patricia Hudson
Assistant Head Teacher
I am proud to be a member of the hardworking staff team at NLC Junior School. Having spent over 20 years here, I’m well placed to understand how our pupils need supporting and encouraging to achieve their full potential and to always aim high. As well as being an experienced year 6 teacher I am also the school’s SENCO with responsibility for ensuring our school meets the need of children who need additional help and support during their education. As a parent of two children, I know how important a good education is and how it can be the first stepping stone on the journey of life- long learning, that is why my aim is for our school to provide the best possible start for ALL of our pupils.

Mrs Leanne Higgins
English Campus Lead

Miss Alice Lees
PHSE Campus Lead and Mental Health (MHST) Lead