Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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Netherhall Learning Campus High School

Physical Education (PE)

Why study Physical Education at Netherhall Learning Campus High School?

PE teaches students how to excel in a wide range of physical activities and develops their knowledge of how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Students also learn the importance of communication, analytical and problem solving skills. At Netherhall Learning Campus High School our PE department believes in providing students with a broad curriculum, both practically and theoretically. This enables them to make informed lifestyle choices throughout their school life and beyond.

Why does Physical Education matter as a subject?

Currently the U.K is seeing levels of child obesity soar and it is crucial that our students learn how to make good lifestyle choices in order to live a fulfilling life. PE is also a fantastic way of improving mental and social health; making friends and relieving the stress of studying can contribute highly to ensuring students remain happy and healthy. Learning about the human body, various exercises and diet are lessons that can be applied for a life time.

What does Physical Education help young people to achieve?

Gaining a qualification in PE demonstrates a wide range of skills to higher education establishments and future employers. Skills such as persistence, resilience, team work, communication and leadership are all developed throughout PE courses. Many of these qualities are transferable in a variety of careers in and out of sport. However, completing a qualification in PE can predominantly open doors to becoming a teacher, physiotherapist, coach, fitness trainer, sports scientist, dietician, sports development officer, sports therapist, management of a sporting facility and many more. 

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