Netherhall Learning Campus High School

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Netherhall Learning Campus High School


Edexcel BTEC 


What will I learn in this subject? 

Component 1: Exploring music products and styles
Internally assessed, 30% of the course
Students will develop their practical skills in performance, composition and music technology. You will investigate the key features of different musical styles, including pop music through the ages.

You can present evidence in the form of:

  • Audio recording
  • Composition for media, film, TV, adverts and computer games
  • Song or composition
  • Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) project (Recording studio production)

Component 2: Music skills development
Internally assessed, 30% of the course
Students will have the opportunity to develop two musical disciplines.

Students will participate in workshops and sessions to identify and develop musical skills and techniques in the following 3 disciplines:

1. Music performance.
2. Creating original music.
3. Music production.

Component 3: Responding to a commercial brief

Externally assessed, 40% of the course
Here students will be given the opportunity to develop and present music in response to a given commercial music brief. Features explored:

  • Performing stylistically accurate cover versions.
  • Creating original music using existing stylistic frameworks and traits.
  • Stylistic use of a DAW and associated hardware to create an original piece of music from a given starting point.

Why choose BTEC Music?

  • Have fun! Playing In an ensemble Is sociable and builds teamwork.
  • Enjoy a deeper understanding of your favourite music!
  • Explore the way new technologies have revolutlonlsed the way we record, produce and listen to music.
  • Feel a sense of achievement - practising an instrument requires motivation and perseverance - Skills sought by employers In a range of jobs/careers
  • Be creative In your composition/song writing - explore different possibilities and Identify problems.
  • Improve your coordination and dexterity to learn an Instrument.
  • Use world music as a gateway to other cultures and traditions.
  • Explore the ways that music Influences the world we llve in.
  • Experience skills used In the Music Industry and other careers.

What can I do after?

This qualification could lead to the courses or career opportunities: Level 3 vocational qualifications, such as BTEC Nationals, specifically the Edexcel BTEC Level 3 in music at college or The Studio School

Related academic qualifications, such as GCE in Music (A- Level) Learners can progress onto further Level 3 qualifications, A-Levels and employment within the music Industry, for example:

  • Stage crew, music venues,
  • Music agencies and promoters
  • Journalists
  • Performers
  • Sound/Recording engineer
  • Computer games programmer
  • Music retail and sales.

Anything else I need to know? 

You will need to have: 

  • a good attendance and punctuality record.
  • a good behaviour record.
  • a real interest and commitment to the subject.

Learning Journey

Music LJ

How is it assessed? 

  • 40% External Exam.
  • 60% Coursework/Practical project based work.

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